Wow. Just realized that June was a long time ago. So was my last post here....
I'm happy to say that life keeps me busy. Work, a lot of work, my family and my friends. I've spent hours in my garden, but not nearly enough to make it a nice looking garden. I've spent hours and days selling my prints on markets. I've spent hours standing next to a slide on a playground somewhere. I've spent a lot of hours working late and finishing work for clients. I've spent hours and days working on our house. But I haven't spent hours on my blog. I ran out of hours. And I'm afraid the amount of hours in a day are not changing soon, I won't blog a lot here :(
You're welcome to follow me on Instagram. I've spent some hours there these last months, and it's a place I like!
woensdag 29 oktober 2014
donderdag 26 juni 2014
London calling
By myself...
Had a lot of time to walk and drink coffee. Visit museum, and oke, do a little shopping, and my god, I finally had time to think, I can't share all my thoughts here, but it felt quite liberating to spend a few days without my loved boyfriend A. and loved baby A. (being back home again was also nice...)
Luckily I had plannend some social activities as well, my friend Kim lives in London and she took me to a ´new and undiscovered´ neighbourhood (at least by the hordes of tourists) Dalston and Stoke Newington. Which were both faboulous, but I planned to only show you some pics of a small and nice museum on the South Bank: The Fashion and Textile Museum. It had a exhibition on the Rebozo, a mexican scarf. I learned all there was to know about it, and made pictures about everything else in the museum... I just love Mexican folklore. Actually anykind of folklore.
This is a screenshot of an app that helps you get from point A, to point B. It's called Citymapper and it's free. It shows you which ways of public transport you can use, or how long it takes if you walk, or take a car. It even has a funny extra choice of transport: teleporter or catapult.

The flyer showed a picture of Frida Kahlo, on of my favourite female artists, so I hoped to see a lot of her, or her work. There was a huge papier maché sculpture of her and Diego, but not much more on her...

It was beautifully made, though!
With pretty details.

Detail of a painting.
I loved the way things were displayed, and that it wasn't only rebozo's that were displayed, but also old photos, paintings an new designers and their vision on the rebozo.

I did my best to read all there was, and watch all the video's on how the are made. And I managed to spent an hour there... It is really a small museum. But a truly charming one.
woensdag 4 juni 2014
Linden Market

Last time I was in Nijmegen for the Linden Market, I made the mistake of trying to get a piece of cake áfter 15.00 There was nothing left to eat, alle the cakes we're allready sold out. So, this time I bought myself cake at every stand before the market officially starts. Here's my first cup of coffee, with a piece of vegan chocolate pie, and a cheesy fig pie. The last one was DELICIOUS! I bought an other piece just after eating this one. You know, because it's not only pie, it's lunch!

(studio Zipp from Nijmegen was present, I just love her work)
Another stand that caught my eye: selling slices of stones..

And here's where I laughed soooo hard and all the designs made me happy: Flying Dutchman Designs! Joyce sells crochet patterns all over the world. And all of here designs, which she ofcourse has to make first were on sale. Lucky me. I bought myself a string of red crochet sausages. Ultimately happy here...

(more from flying dutchman designs)

(more from flying dutchman designs)
(and even more jummy.)
woensdag 28 mei 2014
Princenhage - thrift shopping finds/catch of the day
This is post ONE HUNDRED!
I'm currently working on 4 projects at once, but can't show you guys anything yet.... So. Here is my catch of the day:
I got up at 5.45 in the morning to welcome the babysitter at 6. Antoine and I went together for a change. Our equivallent of a romantic date ;) Usually I'm the secondhand-crazy one. But the Princenhage Market could also be a good place to find things he loves (tools, machine parts, nudes, about anything made out of metal)

So we woke up early, got our bikes and headed out to what was going to be a wonderful and sunny day. Six seems very early, and most of my friends arrive after nine, but we are just keen on finding supercool and quirky stuff. Early bird usually finds more.. And we are not the only ones. After eight it gets crowded, and at eleven you really want to head out.

I just cleaned my workspace and got rid of a lot of small thingies I've collected over the years. And suddenly I find myself buying 5 houses. I think I'm starting a new collection...

And before moving, I cleared out most of my small vases. Just to buy new ones this sunday.
dinsdag 13 mei 2014
Swan Market Antwerp: report

I finally sat down to go through the pictures taken in Antwerp of the first (!) and really succesful Swan Market on Grote Markt, Antwerp. I was so busy all day, chatting about my work, wrapping prints people just bought and had almost no time to enjoy the beautiful weather we had. I only made two pictures I posted on my FB. Luckily Floris and Annemarie (from and ) made a small report and I picked a few to show to you. It was a magical place! Look!
The people from the orange van had soooo much cool vintage and retro stuff. Bought some new, vintage 60ties shorts for Baby A.

(all the pictures I post from my stall at all these markets look the same, I know. This might be the last picture..)
(chatting with the neighbour)
zaterdag 12 april 2014
dinsdag 8 april 2014
Unleash the dragon

Wow. I just had a perfect sunday at Lindenmarket in Nijmegen. The people were friendly, I sold loads of my prints, ate a good tosti made by the tosti-boys, ran into Philomeen and even the parking was really close to the market ;)
All good things.
Makes me happy and makes me want to go to more (creative) markets. This sunday I saw Wilma from studio Zipp. I LOVE her work, especially the brooches she makes. Have bought them several times. They are so raw, unpolished, colorful and (well I like my brooches big) pretty huge! (have to make a picture when I get home...)

So today I decided to registrate to a few more markets:
13 April, Mercado, Breda
21 April, Swan Market Rotterdam
4 May, Swan Market Antwerp
11 May, Goodies & Foodies, Breda
25 May, Markt van Morgen, Antwerp
1 June, Lindenmarket, Nijmegen
9 June, Nassaudag Grote Kerk, Breda
28 June, Zelfgemaakte Markt, Utrecht
(i haven't had response from all these markets yet, but I intend to partcipate in these)
Makes me happy and makes me want to go to more (creative) markets. This sunday I saw Wilma from studio Zipp. I LOVE her work, especially the brooches she makes. Have bought them several times. They are so raw, unpolished, colorful and (well I like my brooches big) pretty huge! (have to make a picture when I get home...)

13 April, Mercado, Breda
21 April, Swan Market Rotterdam
4 May, Swan Market Antwerp
11 May, Goodies & Foodies, Breda
25 May, Markt van Morgen, Antwerp
1 June, Lindenmarket, Nijmegen
9 June, Nassaudag Grote Kerk, Breda
28 June, Zelfgemaakte Markt, Utrecht
(i haven't had response from all these markets yet, but I intend to partcipate in these)
(Photo's taken in my workplace: The plastic dogs collection belonged to my deceased grandmother. They were collectables, found in noodles, flour etc. I'm not much of a dogperson, but just love little plastic collectable thingy's.)
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